How the Internet is Influencing Your Decisions
Fifty years ago if you had tried to explain to someone that with a touch of a button they could gain access to virtually any bit of information they desired they would probably laugh and call you a liar. In the 21st century however, this tool has become a critical part of our everyday lives and has influenced the way we think about and perceive the world.In todays society the vast majority of people favour the Internet over any other source of media in regards to pursuing information and news. However, although it is widely acknowledged that the Internet is a valuable resource and beneficial to ones knowledge and progression, overall, it is also commonly understood that not everything on the Internet is reliable. Generally as we begin to use the Internet more and more we also become increasingly aware of credible sources and become more likely to seek a number of differing sources to determine legitimacy. I’m sure that many of us can vouch for having seen a video on Facebook making a preposterous claim and then sifting through the comment sections to come to some sort of consensus as to the validity of the video. As we see more and more of these videos we become increasingly skeptical of what we watch, read or hear online and think critically about where these sources are truly coming form.However this concept extends further than just the legitimacy of a Facebook video. A study aimed to examine the impact of Internet use and decision-making in older adults using a 12-item instrument to assess financial and healthcare decision-making. Findings indicated that a higher frequency of Internet use correlated with better decision-making in these domains. By gathering information from different sources and thinking critically about these we are likely to come to some sort of educated and thought out decision. However we haven’t quite mastered this balance just yet.
Statistics have shown that at least a third of adults have used a question-answer website and of these, 52% stated that information from these sites has influenced decisions they’ve made. As these websites are accessible to the general public it is highly likely that many of these answers and suggestions may not have come from reliable sources. What is even more astounding is that the majority of adults online preferred to seek out advice from a number of strangers on the internet rather than an individual response from a friend or family member whom are more likely to have their best interest at heart.We use the Internet in a variety of ways including personally and professionally and in many cases the Internet does yield favourably for decision-making skills. However, it is important to note that in order for these skills to develop, reasoning and critical thinking should be implemented in the use of this resource. The Internet is here to stay and it seems as if it may be of great assistance in the progression of society, therefore it is important to learn to use it to our advantage.