How To Overcome Your Phobia

How To Overcome Your Phobia

What is something that scares you? Really scares you? We all have them, some people might feel a knot in their stomach before stepping on a plane, others may feel their heart start racing before going to the dentist. Fears are relatively normal and quite common, however phobias … can be much more intense.

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Eight Signs That You Are Stressed
Anxiety Anxiety

Eight Signs That You Are Stressed

There is a metaphor that is often used describing a frog being boiled alive. It is based on the premise that if a frog is put into boiling water it will quickly jump out, however if the frog is put in tepid water which is slowly brought to a boil it will not perceive the danger in this situation and will be boiled alive. While there is some debate around how true this metaphor is in reality, the moral of the story does ring true

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