Can Personality Predict Success?
Personality, Work Personality, Work

Can Personality Predict Success?

We used to think the biggest predictor of success was intelligence. If you had a high IQ you had a pretty good chance of being successful and if not … maybe you need to accept that career success just isn’t in the cards for you. However this may not necessarily be the case. So are there personality traits that predict success? Let’s take a look at the Big 5 personality traits to find out.

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How Hating Your Job Is Ruining Your Life
Mental Health, Work Mental Health, Work

How Hating Your Job Is Ruining Your Life

Do you wake up in the mornings with a heavy feeling of dread and apprehension in your stomach? Do you count down the minutes until 5pm? Do you feel unmotivated and drained by the end of the working day? If so, you are not alone. In fact, a staggering 20-40% of people report disliking their jobs … but this doesn’t make the implications of it any less severe. So how is hating your job affecting your life?

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