Five Reasons You Should Spend Time Alone

How often do you truly spend time alone? Not necessarily at home messaging your friends or scrolling through social media but alone with no distractions. In today’s society being around people is often equated with being likeable, friendly and sociable and spending time alone is associated with antisocial traits, loneliness or sadness.

Add that to the highlight reel of social media, encompassing pictures and videos of people spending time with friends, family or engaging in social activities, it is easy to see why being alone is often looked down upon.

But it turns out that we could all benefit from spending some time in solitude. So how can spending time alone provide value to our lives?

Being alone can spark creativity

Truly unique and creative ideas often come from within. Studies have shown that people tend to generate their best ideas in solitude rather than through group brainstorming. It is when we give our mind the chance to wander uninterrupted that we become free to express ourselves more clearly and we can truly tap into our creative side.

Being alone can increase our concentration and productivity

Getting distracted is a pretty easy thing to do, even the chime of a text message is often enough to completely shift our focus from whatever task we were (or were supposed to be) working on. Taking away the distractions of being around others or constantly being ‘available’ for others to contact can increase our productivity and might even assist us in getting into a state of flow more readily.

Being alone can help us recharge

Yes, for introverts being alone can often be likened to the ‘recharging’ of ones batteries, however this could also be the case for those who are more extroverted too. If we are constantly ‘on’ we aren’t able to give our mind a chance to rest. Being alone can take away the need to focus on the external world and instead give us the opportunity to clear our minds and recharge. 

Being alone can help us connect with ourselves more deeply

When we are constantly around others we might find ourselves being influenced by their opinions, actions or decisions. On a conscious or even a subconscious level we may begin finding it difficult recognising when our perceptions, decisions, thoughts and feelings are a representation of who we truly are or whether they are as a result of the influence of others. Being alone can help to distance ourselves from some of these external influences and become more in tune with ourselves on a deeper and more personal level.

Being alone can increase the quality of our relationships

There are a few reasons why this may be the case. Firstly, by allowing ourselves to be alone and gain a sense of independence we may be able to be more authentic and genuine in our interactions with others as we are being true to ourselves. Allowing for this greater sense of independence and personal understanding may also lead to us seeking out relationships which are meaningful to us and give us a clearer idea of the types of people we would like to spend our time with. It can also give us a greater sense of appreciation of spending time with others rather than taking it for granted.

It is important to remember that while being alone can yield some great benefit, social connections are an essential part of life that contribute immeasurably toward our physical and psychological wellbeing. Spending time alone should be done in a way that enhances our life alongside of these relationships rather than as a result of feelings of depression or anxiety, avoidance or fear or as a result of social isolation.

It is important to find a balance between the two in a way that allows you to engage in meaningful relationships while also allowing for time to develop your relationship with yourself.


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