What is Paranoid Personality Disorder?

What is Paranoid Personality Disorder?

Most of us have experienced paranoia at some point. Perhaps it was within the context of a romantic relationship, maybe it was regarding the intentions of a colleague at work or perhaps it is something you experience when walking home at night. These are all relatively common experiences, however for people with paranoid personality disorder, these tendencies can become problematic in almost all aspects of life.

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What Causes Dissociation?
Mental Health Mental Health

What Causes Dissociation?

In my last blog we covered what dissociation is, the difference between ‘normal’ and ‘pathological’ dissociation and the types of pathological dissociation (I highly recommend you read this blog first in order to bring some context into this article). In today’s blog we will take a look at what causes dissociation and its treatment options.

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What is Dissociation?

What is Dissociation?

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conversation with someone when you realise that you have completely zoned out and have no idea what they’ve been talking about? Have you ever driven home with almost no recollection of the journey there? Have you ever been so immersed in your work that you lose complete awareness of how much time has gone past? If so, you may have been experiencing something called dissociation.

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What Are Repressed Memories?

What Are Repressed Memories?

Have you ever experienced something you wish you could just forget? Maybe it was something really embarrassing that happened in high school, perhaps it was a fight you had with a family member or maybe it was a really devastating break up that left you heart broken for months. Whatever the case, sometimes we just wish that we could block some memories out of our minds. Well, it turns out that some people actually do … but it might not be in the way you expect.

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How To Overcome Your Phobia

How To Overcome Your Phobia

What is something that scares you? Really scares you? We all have them, some people might feel a knot in their stomach before stepping on a plane, others may feel their heart start racing before going to the dentist. Fears are relatively normal and quite common, however phobias … can be much more intense.

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Five Reasons You Should Spend Time Alone

Five Reasons You Should Spend Time Alone

How often do you truly spend time alone? Not necessarily at home messaging your friends or scrolling through social media but alone with no distractions. In today’s society being around people is often equated with being likeable, friendly and sociable and spending time alone is associated with antisocial traits, loneliness or sadness. But it turns out that we could all benefit from spending some time in solitude. So how can spending time alone provide value to our lives?

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Are You Having An Identity Crisis?

Are You Having An Identity Crisis?

Who are you? This question, although quite simple is surprisingly complex. In more individualistic cultures we are likely to answer something like a teacher, a nice person or a student. In collectivist cultures we might answer something like a daughter, a brother or a mother. Whatever the case, we tend to define ourselves by our values, which often dictate the choices we make. But what happens when our choices are not in line with what we value or with who we truly are? Who are we then?

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