What is Paranoid Personality Disorder?

What is Paranoid Personality Disorder?

Most of us have experienced paranoia at some point. Perhaps it was within the context of a romantic relationship, maybe it was regarding the intentions of a colleague at work or perhaps it is something you experience when walking home at night. These are all relatively common experiences, however for people with paranoid personality disorder, these tendencies can become problematic in almost all aspects of life.

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What is Schizoid Personality Disorder?

What is Schizoid Personality Disorder?

Often misunderstood and labelled as loners, awkward or cold, schizoid personality disorder is a mental illness that is not well known and highly misunderstood. Schizoid personality disorder is a mental illness that refers to people who exhibit a pattern of detachment from social relationships as well as a limited expression of emotions, particularly in relation to other people.

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What Causes Dissociation?
Mental Health Mental Health

What Causes Dissociation?

In my last blog we covered what dissociation is, the difference between ‘normal’ and ‘pathological’ dissociation and the types of pathological dissociation (I highly recommend you read this blog first in order to bring some context into this article). In today’s blog we will take a look at what causes dissociation and its treatment options.

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What is Dissociation?

What is Dissociation?

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conversation with someone when you realise that you have completely zoned out and have no idea what they’ve been talking about? Have you ever driven home with almost no recollection of the journey there? Have you ever been so immersed in your work that you lose complete awareness of how much time has gone past? If so, you may have been experiencing something called dissociation.

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How To Overcome Your Phobia

How To Overcome Your Phobia

What is something that scares you? Really scares you? We all have them, some people might feel a knot in their stomach before stepping on a plane, others may feel their heart start racing before going to the dentist. Fears are relatively normal and quite common, however phobias … can be much more intense.

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